About Me

David Ritter is a poet who writes about various topics, including…

– Personal struggles and everyday life

– Emotional experiences

– Faith and spirituality

– Love and relationships

– Life and death

– Grief and loss

– Hope and resilience

– Inspiration and motivation

– Humor and wit

His poems are known for their simplicity, accessibility, and emotional resonance, making them relatable to a wide range of readers.

David Ritter has written several popular poems, including “Gone Fishing,” “Gone Hunting,” “Gone Golfing,” and “Gone Riding.” His poems often have a theme of loss and remembrance and are intended to be used at funerals or in obituaries. He has also written a book of poetry called “Bottled Memories: A Journey through Addiction and Early Recovery” and “Memories for Keeps”.

David Ritter is a Christian and a recovering alcoholic. Many of his writings reflect those topics, both the good and the bad. He also likes writing about family and current events. He also enjoys shooting pool and watching all sports, especially high school basketball.

Why Rhyme?

Most of my poems rhyme because I like the challenge, and rhyming, for me, is simply more fun than writing free verse. Many of my poems and prose chronicle a lifelong struggle with the ups and downs of a life complicated by an excessive love of liquor. My writings are emotional, usually convey a message of social significance, and describe experiences that most people can relate to. Rather than using complex imagery with flowery words, metaphors, and similes, I try to keep it simple. Some poems have a personal meaning, others are only an idea, and some emerged from activities or challenges from a variety of writing avenues.

Not to say free verse isn’t beautiful, but it’s not for everyone. Some people enjoy both forms of the art. Although free verse is by far the most popular form of poetry to write, I believe the most popular form to read is rhyming poetry.

What Reason?

I’ve started this blog because I want to share my work with the world. I want to share with other writers my rhyming knowledge, gleaned from over 35 years of experience and the self-publication of four poetry books. I want to reintroduce rhyming poetry as a worthy competitor to free verse poetry (favored by most publishers, thereby denying well-deserved recognition to rhyming poets). I want to take a chance on turning my hobby of writing into a business; with over 53,000 followers on my Facebook poetry page (“The Memories I Keep”), I figure it’s worth a shot.

But the most important reason for starting this blog is to create a keepsake for family and friends. A place where they can come visit me and talk to me, even after I’m gone.